Breaking Dawn and more

Ok I am not going to post any spoilers – I am not going to be that girl but well never mind…


oh NEVER mind…

It has been a long weekend. Humid but no rain until tomorrow night. I think I will take some new pictures of my dogs tomorrow. That would be nice.

I have to thank whomever bought all the stuff from my Zazzle store. Very cool of you. It is nice to have the extra cash.

Scrub and grass and nothing in bewteen

As elated as I am about my new camera – I am filled with a washed out sadness as well. I realized very quickly two disturbing facts…one is there is NOTHING here to take pictures of. At least – nothing that I can get to today. Which brings me to my other point. IT IS TOO FUCKING HOT TO GO ANYWHERE. My backyard is nice but we don’t really have a lush landscape. I mean – yes we have a pool and landscaping (and a scary spider hole by the light that would make a great macro shot) but the dogs stand inside and bark like lunatics every time I try to go out there without them and IF I let them out with me – they crowd whatever shot I am trying to make. I love my dogs but I want to take pictures of OTHER things every now and again…


It is so damn frustrating.

Well, here is one of my attempts. I have already decided I need a tripod and a few other things – like a couple of back up batteries.

There was a bug in the pool. Dead bugs are good. Zero chase factor.

Me & swimming pools

I used to have a love/hate relationship with pools. I almost drown in one when I was about 7 – wow that sucked. Then, when I was older we used to go to a community pool near our house – I think I was about 10. The ‘lifeguard’ in charge was really adorable and I soooo much wanted him to like me. But he didn’t – he had a crush on my older sister who as all of 12 or 13 years old. He gave us a ride home from the pool one afternoon and my Dad about killed him. He never flirted with my sister after that. Another time we spent the summer at a KOA campgrounds. I was young then too – maybe 9? My sister and I went swimming everyday that we could and – again – we ran into some older boys. They used to meet us at the pool and tease us, just messing around. They seemed so grown but I am sure they were probably only in their teens. I don’t remember much else about them except they chased away some bees for us once.

I swam in friends pools all my life and thought each time I got away without dying, well heck, that was a pretty good goddamn day of swimming…

I suppose I always wanted a pool of my own. Not just for the refreshing aspect, I wanted the status I guess. I grew up very poor and the idea of actually being able to afford such a luxury item…well, I was in. Sign me up! I thought if I just had a pool, that is it. East street baby! Funny how your mind works when you are a kid.

When we bought our house, I wanted THAT pool. My husband resisted – he was afraid we would put a ton on money into it and never swim in it. I convinced him, after our son Miles was born, we should get a above ground pool as sort of a ‘starter pool’. We could determine whether or not we would use/enjoy a REAL pool. That turned out to be such an odd situation. Talk about love/hate relationships. Above ground pools are fun but they are VERY hard to keep clean. They are usually some god awful grey or white color so they are UGLY and they heat up the water on hot days. Because it gets SO hot here, we couldn’t even use it in the late summer. When you have 115 degree air and a 99.9 degree pool – what is the point of swimming? It is like being in bathwater!

So years go by and we fight with the above ground pool and we FINALLY decide to bite the bullet and look in to getting an in-ground pool dug. This is where you all come in. You know I have been having one built because I have mentioned in before and even included a few pictures of the progress.

It’s DONE!

Yes it is done and it is everything I hoped it would be. It didn’t make me richer or better ‘placed’ but it did give me the gift of sheer joy in my son’s eyes. That is worth more than anything. Miles is a lucky kid, he is well looked after and graciously loved – and he knows it. I might tell him a few of my ‘pool’ stories someday. He might get a kick out of them…